JP Thebarge
I recently had the honor of talking triathlon with TCSD member J.P. Theberge who is now a 2x World Champion. J.P. won the Gold Medal at the ITU Triathlon World Championships in Vancouver, Canada 2008 and Gold Coast, Australia 2009. Please join me as we get to know this fast and humble man.

Charisa Wernick
I had the pleasure of talking triathlon with the TCSD's Charisa Wernick who earned her podium moment at this year's Hawaiian Ironman. Charisa finished 5th in the women's 30-34 age group with the super fast time of 10:17:14. Please join me as we get to know this very impressive lady.

Chuck Pateros
I recently sat down and talked triathlon with TCSD member, Chuck Pateros. I really enjoyed getting to know Chuck better and I know you will, as well.

Dr. John Martinez
I recently got to talk triathlon with the Tri Club's very own Dr. John Martinez of Coastal Sports & Wellness Medical Center. Please join me as we get to know this Ironman doctor.

Brad Golden
I had the pleasure recently of talking triathlon with the Tri Club's Brad Golden who qualified for the Hawaii Ironman with his awesome 9:35:34 3rd place performance in the Men's 25-29 age group at Ironman Coeurd'Alene on June 21.

Jim Vance
I had the pleasure recently of talking Ironman and triathlon with the Tri Club’s very own Jim Vance. Included among Jim’s many racing successes are his 2 amateur World Championships (2004 XTERRA Worlds and 2005 ITU Worlds for Men 25-29) and 3rd place finish at the 2006 Ironman Florida. Please join me as we learn what makes this fast guy tick!